Sunday, February 10, 2008

Another Post. Another Post Without A Hard Drive


I'm watching the Grammys right now. And George Martin is standing up on stage. It's all very good. I know that these award shows shouldn't be so enjoyable to me, but they are. I just love the competition.

Also, I'm not sure if I've mentioned this on this blog, but I have a, well, I guess you'd call it a life goal. I have vowed to make sure that I've heard every Album of the Year, read every Pulitzer for Fiction, and seen every Best Picture from the year of my birth forward. So the Grammys and Oscars are especially exciting for those awards! I'm most behind on the Best Pictures, but I feel like that's because it's the medium that requires the most prolonged deviotion of attention. An album you can listen to in the car and a book is a personal thing that you can stop/start at your liesure, but a movie is 2+ hours (I've found that the "+" is generally true for the Best Picture winners) of watching a screen, and I personally like to watch movies with my wife so, yeah. That's my excuse! Not that I need one. But there it is.

I realized this weekend that being comp'ed for my power cord means that it's a distinct possibility that I could go off Seagate's radar and never see this cord at all. I've sent them another email, but man. I'm starting to go through serious withdrawal here, people. Is it going to become necessary to RE-rip all my CD's? What about the songs I've gotten off iTunes? Arrrgh!

Other than that I had very good Wii-kend. :) Yes, we got a Wii on Thursday and we spent most of the weekend playing. The Simpsons game is very fun. But WarioWare is just amazing in it's odd-ness. Love it.

Man, Tina Turner is looking pretty rough. But she's still a great performer and definitely almost keeping up with Beyonce. I mean, did I just type the name Beyonce in my blog? (Twice?!) Phew. Ok y'all. Have a great week. I'm going to power through this lack of music and never let 16 (or whatever it was) go by before posting again.

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