Friday, January 25, 2008

This is so I don't get beaten up by Andy

Ok, so Andy from Circles of Concrete has pretty much threatened my life if I don't update this so, here I am! Updating!

K and I just got back from seeing 27 Dresses which was decent. It was pretty much your standard romcom (romantic comedy, for the uninitiated) plot. There were some good jokes and Kathrine Heigl always provides a good time. She's just so down to earth. Like she could be a friend of yours. Basically, she's believeable as a human being. One reason is that her teeth AREN'T perfect. That's one of my favorite things! Let's take a look (if there's a picture right below, then I have mastered some actual photo editing. Man, I hope there is.)

...OK. So I can't find any pictures of where her teeth don't look like they were designed by an architect. Damn. Well, go watch a movie with her in it. And stare at her teeth. It's not creepy. Some guy on the Internet told you to do it, so it's ok.

Well, this post is pretty boring and it's not going to get any better. I mean, I suppose it's POSSIBLE, but I have my doubts. I'm working tomorrow. That's right. On Saturday. A sample came in at 5 pm this evening and it has to warm up to room temperature, but it "expires" so to speak, on Sunday. It's ridiculous, actually. But I suppose this is going to happen every now and then when you're a chemist. No one gave the physical and chemical properties of the planet a work schedule, so they just decided to work all the freakin' time. :)

I hope this has appeased you, Andy. And you, any reader who has been itching for more rambling and lack of tech-savvy.

OH! So I have news about the thing you obviously care most about! The power cord to my portable hard drive. It's not on its way. But that's because it wasn't in the warehouse. So the company is giving it to me for free. But it does mean that it's going to be even longer before I have access to my music. When I finally am re-connected, I promise these posts will have a lot more content. Well, interesting content.



  1. Awww.... and I just bought new brass knuckles.

  2. Great post, James.
    Andy, you're an inspiration to all of us.

  3. I want to see it, but not because of Heigl's teeth. I just need an mindless flick to get lost in, and it might as well make me laugh!
