Monday, February 11, 2008

My Mom: A Future in Picking AOY's? Plus: Blood-sucking parasites

So, first off, because Gmail's news ticker ruined it for me this afternoon:

SPOILER ALERT (albeit 48-hour old Award Show Spoiler): DON'T READ IF YOU DON'T KNOW ABOUT WHO WON THE ALBUM OF THE YEAR GRAMMY AND YOU CARE ABOUT WATCHING THE SHOW BECAUSE YOU DVR'D IT AND YOU DON'T WANT MY PAGE TO BE LIKE GMAIL AND GIVE AWAY THE ENDING!! (this spoiler alert brought to you by "Things only James would bother worrying about/typing 4 lines in all Caps". A family company.)

So, I guess my mom's tastes in music jive more smoothly with what the Academy the picks the Grammy winners listens to. Herbie Hancock's Joni Mitchell Tribute (River: The Joni Letters) beat out Kanye, Amy Winehouse, AND Foo Fighters for Album of the Year (Vince Gill was also nominated, but, as far as I know, niether my mom nor I listen to Vince Gill. (Though he did strike quite the charming figure when he said that thing to Kanye: "I just got an award from a Beatle. Have you done that yet, Kanye?" It was cool because obviously there's no beef there and it can be a funny thing to have celebs talking trash.)) I read an article that figured that Winehouse and KWest split the "young, Pop-centric members of the Academy" in half and opened the door for Herbie.

I mean, good for him! And I did tell my wife back when the nominees were announced that I hoped Herbie would win, because then Kanye would have to find a new card to play, if you know what I mean. (PS, I love this guy, despite, or maybe BECAUSE OF his drama queen antics. He feels real.)

In other news, if there's anyone out there who listens to Brad Paisley AND reads this blog, can you comment and defend this guy for that song he played? Here are the lyrics. They were pretty good until the part that you're about to read and go "WHAT?!":

everytime you take a sip
in this smoky atmosphere
you press that bottle to your lips
and i wish i was your beer
and in the small there of your back
your jeans are playing peek a boo
id like to see the other half of your butterfly tattoo

hey that gives me an idea
lets get out of this bar
and drive out into the country

and find a place to park

cause id like to see you out in the moonlight
id like to kiss you way back in the sticks
id like to walk you through a field of wildflowers
and id like to check you for ticks

i know the perfect little path
out in these woods i used to hunt
dont worry babe ive got your back
and ive also got your front
id hate to waste a night like this
ill keep you safe you wait and see
the only thing allowed to crawl all over you
when we get there is me

you know every guy in here tonight
would like to take you home
but ive got way more class than them
and that aint what i want


oooh you never know where one might be
and oooh theres lots of places that are hard to reach


oh id sure like to check you for ticks

Yeah. THOSE lyrics. I almost couldn't believe my ears. Is that sexy? Does it make all the women nostalgic and wistful for those times when they were romping through the high grass and then they had to have that special boy make sure there were no parasites on them, lest they possibly contract lyme disease?

Grammy's are fun :)


  1. Well, yeah, your mom picks the winners!

  2. This is the reason I abhore contemporary country music. ABHORE. 'Cept that one "Before He Cheats" song by Carrie Underwood. That one cracks me up.

  3. Nat,

    1.) Thank you thank you for saying "Contemporary country music." I think a lot of people mix Johnny Cash with Tim McGraw and it drives me crazy.

    2.) I love Before He Cheats, too! It's so vindictive and mean! Love it!
