Thursday, December 20, 2007

The title of this blog won't fit in this box. So it's found below...

Episode 2 – In Which Our Hero Decides to Delay His Quarter-Life Crisis and also Decides to Abandon this Titling Convention As It’s Quite Difficult To Come Up With Titles Like This and It Must Be Quite Tiresome to Read All of This Before You Even Get to the Actual Post.

Hi Everybody! Well, I guess I’m doing ok for once a week. I guess I got a taste of blogging and just couldn’t get enough! I wanted to update on a couple of things.

First, I’m a little freaked out. My birthday’s in the middle of July. And yet, somehow I’ve already started rounding up to 25 (see my previous post) in everyday conversation/blogging. Am I that desperate to be 25? And it’s not even like most of my friends are! A couple are, but not enough that I can use the old “Well, most of my friends are so I guess I just said what they say” excuse, which, once written out, is also pretty lame. So I apologize and big thanks to my Dad for pointing out my mistake!

Now that that’s over, I just wanted to talk a little bit about how cool it is to actually be actually blogging. I tend to cringe at the words blog and blogging, simply because they have such a hipster-y connotation. If anyone reading this has ever seen the show “How I Met Your Mother”, they’d know that Neil Patrick Harris’s character, Barney, often refers to his blog in everyday conversation and I guess I’m just saying that I’m not sure I can pull off “Have you read my blog?”. But that’s not what I want to talk about.

Let’s start a new paragraph to get to what I wanted to talk about. Ok, so every Thursday morning, I come downstairs and bring up these two Wikipedia pages that are about this week’s Number One’s on the Album and Song charts. That’s not what the pages or the charts are called, but that’s what they are. Sometimes, I’m up before some more diligent person has updated the Wiki, and so I go to Billboard’s site to find out what’s at #1 this week. Today was just such a day and before I clicked the link to see what was what, I saw the words “Smashing Pumpkins” on the Home page of the site. Well, it turns out that SP are releasing an acoustic four song EP called “American Gothic” on January 2 on iTunes. I’m super stoked about this because I know that acoustic Pumpkins is a beautiful thing and January 2 is right around the corner!

On that very same new page, I saw that the Barenaked Ladies (a band I love almost as much as SP. Well maybe AS much.) will be releasing a children’s album early next year. So that should be fun. It turns out that those 5 guys have 11 children among them! Wow! I know that that’s only a kid more than 2 a Ladie, but it’s still an impressive figure! The article also said that they’ll be releasing a new studio album in 2008, too! That’s cool that they just got Are Me/Are Men out at the end of ‘06/beginning of ’07 and they’re already working on the next one. I love it!

Ok, so to review: I’m 24, Not comfortable with hipster vocabulary, New SP, BNL are hard-working individuals. Have a nice Friday and weekend and holiday(s), depending on how long it is until I post or you look again!

I’ll leave you with a song from the 2007 BNL release Are Men and, because I wore a Smiths t-shirt today and talked with a coworker about how Morrissey would protect me from the chemicals I was working with because he also abstains from death, here’s a Smiths song I like.

Barenaked Ladies - Running Out of Ink
The Smiths - Girlfriend in a Coma

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