Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Episode 1 – In Which We Meet Our Hero and Learn About His Glorious Resolution!

Hiya. Well, with a title like that, I’m feeling a bit under pressure. But I’m going to power through and try to do what I’ve set out to do.

And what I’ve set out to do is to start actually blogging. I’ve had a livejournal account for years and years now and it was good for updating my college friends about how I was feeling at the moment, but now I’m out of college and I still want people to know how I’m feeling, but I also want them to know what I’m listening to, watching, reading, thinking about, and all that stuff.

I admire many, many blogs that are out there on the Internet right now and, once I get my page up and running, they’ll be listed over there or over there. And you should check them out, too, because they’re all a lot cooler than mine. But, you know, still come back and see what’s goin’ on over here, sometimes.

I feel like I should tell you about myself. I’m 25. (Edit: I'm 24. See my next post for more about this stupid mistake.) I’m a chemist at an environmental testing lab in Maryland, though that might change here soon, I’m not sure. I’m married to a lovely girl and we have two very adorable puppies that I might end up posting pictures of, but not in this first post. I’m not the kind of guy who pops out his wallet to show off the cute people/animals in his life. So we’ll save that for future updates.

Now, my Glorious Resolution, as I’ve apparently decided to call it (furthermore known as the GR). I want to update at least once a week. Ideally, I’d update more than that. My favorite blogs update all the freakin’ time and I love it! But I know myself and I’m going to start small. Baby steps.

Music is my passion. I can’t play any instruments and I’m pretty sure I don’t sing well, but I do love music. All kinds of music. So, if you can play instruments and/or sing, or you know of some sort of musical act that you think I should check out, let me know. I hope that I can help show people some good music here, though I must admit, I’m very nervous about that prospect. Like I said, I like all kinds of music, but I tend to lean a little mainstream. So hopefully, I won’t make anyone upset with my leanings, and we can all have a good time together.

Oh! My title. I want to explain that. I have this dream of starting a band. And that band’s name will be 80-d. If you’re me (which you’re probably not. Come on James, head in the game!), or if you pronounce things similarly to me, that sounds like A.D.D. when you say it out loud. And our debut album would be called Appetite for Distraction. I know that A.D.D. is a bad deal and that a lot of people have it and they have it more than the kids (myself included) who can’t sit still because they’ve been raised in a society of instant, or near-instant, gratification. But I think both band name and album title are kind of clever. So, that’s why my page is called what it is.

I’m going to leave you with one of my favorite songs of all time. Have a good day, everyone! Oh, and if you have any suggestions for improving my site, please let me know.

Smashing Pumpkins - Mayonaise


  1. i'm having a love affair with your traditional brown wallpaper background

  2. And I say... may the glorious revolution prosper, comrade! A wonderful first post, and great choice of song as well. I look forward to reading and hearing you. Love, Colin.x

  3. Thanks for the kind words everyone! Hopefully i'll continue to earn your support!

  4. hi james! how cool that you've started a blog. i guess i always thought you had one, but you say livejournals aren't the same? anyhoo, good luck and thanks for the link. : )

  5. YAY! You have a blog!

    Welcome to the blogworld, James!
