Monday, October 31, 2016

Countdown News

Hey Everyone,

I think I'm going to take a break from the countdown for a while. I started it when I was at a much different place in my life and recently, it has felt that, even though I love doing the countdown, I don't have the time to devote to creating what amounts to a very time sensitive project.

I don't think this is the end. And I'm not in any sort of bad headspace or anything. I'm just looking for ways to lighten my mental load! :)

If you'd like to hear my lovely voice, you can search for me on my other podcast, Unabashedly Obsessed, which is available on iTunes. It doesn't have the musical content of this one, but it does have me talking to one of my best friends in the world!

Thanks for understanding and thanks for listening and I'll probably be talking to you soon!



  1. It feels a little bit melancholy, not to say Halloweeny, to see the podcast go on hiatus, but it was an amazing extended ride. Lots of good stuff left on the blog, though!
    Rock on!

  2. I suppose now I'll have to scrounge around the Billboard site to find the stuff to feed my hungry students! I will also slide back into oldsterdom without this regenerative music and commentary! In language learning, we talk of a "facilitative anxiety" -- and as a fellow artist, I celebrate this odd sort of "facilitative dissatisfaction," if that what this is in some part. Not enough time -- is certainly the cry of every committed artist. Good for you for trying new things and exploring new art forms. Sad but also grateful for the amazing years of podcasts! Rise Against! Imagine Dragons! Linkin Park! Fun! Muse! Elle King! Hozier! Black Keys! My life is so much the richer for all you've given. Thank you, Appetite!

  3. Bound to happen, but I will miss your dulcet tones. Take the break you need, and move on to the next thing if that is the right choice. Thanks for the great show!
