Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Passenger "Let Her Go"

It's so cool to see Passenger make the Top Ten. My friend Andy got into them in something like 2006 and quickly got me hooked, as well. We went and saw "them" (Passenger is one of those bands that is more of a singer with a backing band, so it almost feels like you should say "him") in Annapolis all those years ago when he played to a house of maybe MAYBE 30 people. And he was fantastic. The first album Wicked Man's Rest is so so so good.

I really like this song too. It's everything that I love about Passenger. I like seeing the band preparing to perform and performing and having just performed. I like that they used actual footage of him singing the song, but dubbed the studio version of the track. It adds a level that I really enjoy.

Now let's see him get to #1!

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