Wednesday, December 18, 2013

One Year, 100 Albums: #56 The Suicide Machines - A Match and Some Gasoline

The Suicide Machines A Match and Some Gasoline, 2003

I bought this album in a Best Buy in Springfield, Virginia while visiting my ex-girlfriend (it was complicated) and I don't really know why. As far as I know I hadn't heard any of the singles or previous albums.

But there I was, in possession of this album and loving it more with every listen. The funny thing about The Suicide Machines is that, where most bands would try to blend their ska and punk influences, they make absolutely no attempt to. On the albums I've heard, at least, if the song you're listening to is ska, the next one is punk, and vice versa. But for them, it works.

Over the years this album has become something of a classic in my mind. From the rage of the opener, "Burning in the Aftermath" to the acoustic secret song at the end (where I learned that the first nuclear weapon was tested on the date of my birth, 1945), this album nestles somewhere deep in your mind and doesn't leave. I can't wait to put this one on for my grandkids, just for shock value :) 

The Suicide Machines - High Anxiety
The Suicide Machines - Seized Up

You can buy A Match and Some Gasoline at Amazon, Amazon MP3, and iTunes

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