Friday, December 27, 2013

One Year, 100 Albums: #53 Blood, Sweat, and Tears - Blood, Sweat, and Tears

Blood, Sweat & Tears Blood, Sweat & Tears, 1968

Fitting for this week, this album was a gift from my Dad for Christmas, I believe, if I'm not mistaken. It took me a little while to get into it, but by the time I was graduating from High School, this album was a classic in my mind.

The parts that initially appealed to me were the more rockin' parts like "More and More" and "Spinning Wheel" and the end of "Blues -- Part 2" but now I really appreciate the sheer instrumental skill of this band. They're equal parts jazz band and rock band I just love it.

This album is comfort food to me. It also introduced me to the works of Erik Satie (or, well, one work)

I'm really happy that YouTube had this video on it. Dig those retro video production values!

This song always reminds me of the credits to the Mary Tyler Moore show. I've never been quite sure why.

Blood, Sweat & Tears - Sometimes in Winter

You can buy Blood, Sweat & Tears at Amazon, Amazon MP3, and iTunes

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