Wednesday, October 2, 2013

One Year, 100 Albums: #78 The Hippos - Heads Are Gonna Roll

The Hippos Heads Are Gonna Roll, 1999

This was the first thing that my friend (and Best Man) Riley introduced me to when we were freshmen at college. We drove around in his car with the windows down blasting this while he told me stories from high school about driving around in his car with the windows down blasting this.

It's also the first album I gave to my sister for...I wanna say Christmas? And she loved it, if I recall, but got made fun of by some dummy who thought that the band's name was dumb. What a dummy.

This album is, simultaneously, so retro-sounding, but also really contemporary. On the contemporary hand, it's ska-y and dancey, synth-y, but on the retro side, it's full of simple summery lyrics about unrequited love, beaches, and....well, there's a lot of unrequited love on there.

It's weird to feature this album on the second day of October, but it's supposed to be hot this week so maybe we can all fool ourselves.

Check out this very vintage 90's video (aka the only video on their YouTube channel)

We've reached the point in the list of albums where any song from this album is just fantastic, so I could pretty much have just picked them at random when deciding what to feature. But these happen to be two of my favorites.

Fun Fact: "Far Behind" actually led off the band's first album Forget the World but I feel like the added production values enhanced the whole experience and I prefer this version.

The Hippos - Pollution
The Hippos - Far Behind

You can buy Heads Are Gonna Roll at Amazon, Amazon MP3, and iTunes

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