Friday, October 11, 2013

One Year, 100 Albums: #75 Foo Fighters - The Colour and the Shape

Foo Fighters The Colour and the Shape, 1997

Some of the albums on this list, they're maybe a little obscure. If not obscure, then maybe not essential. But this is one that doesn't meet either of those qualities. This is an important album, you guys.

This is the album that proved that Dave Grohl would have a future in music beyond being the drummer for Nirvana, and if you look at all of the fantastic albums he has played on, not to mention the amazing Foo Fighters discography, you have to agree that that's a big deal. Sure, it's the sophomore album, but the first one could have just been a fluke. This is the album that blasted us into the future.

It has probably the biggest singles that the Foos have released. Walk up to someone and ask them to name you a Foo Fighters song. 9 times out of 10, they'll name a song from this album. In fact, they'll probably name this:

And a fantastic song it is, too. But the best thing about this album is that it holds up. And it wouldn't do that if it was only the memorable singles that were good songs. This thing is chock full of 'em. So, instead of featuring "Monkey Wrench" and talking about listening to it at my 8th grade picnic and just loving life (oops. Did I accidentally just tell that whole memory?), I'm going to feature two songs that not a lot of people talk about. It's just a coincidence that they're both the tracks right before the two BIG HUGE singles.

Fun Fact 1: "Up in Arms" is my favorite song from this album, and quite possibly my all-time favorite Foo Fighters song.

Fun Fact 2: I almost didn't feature "February Stars". Seriously. How dumb would I have felt if I hadn't?

Foo Fighters - Up in Arms
Foo Fighters - February Stars

You can buy The Colour and the Shape at Amazon, Amazon MP3, and iTunes

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