Monday, October 21, 2013

Mailbag Monday: Kaitlin Riegel

I've recently gotten a number of submissions for artists from New Zealand and Australia and this was the first of the pack. It came on while I was reviewing songs for my Festive Fifty longlist and it was one of those songs that I knew was special from the start.

If you have been blown away by Lorde's minimalist, slightly dancey music as it came to prominence this year, Kaitlin Riegel is worth checking out. Her music reminds me of Lorde's but with an added warmth that I feel Lorde is sorely missing.

If you go to the page on her website with the above video, there's a free download of the song. Now, I'm not sure if this is in error, but instead of just putting a link to the mp3, I've just put the link for the site. You know, for the web traffic.

According to the "Bio" section, she just finished recording a 5-song EP. So if you want, you could follow her on Facebook where I'm sure she'll update with news about a release date. Or just watch this blog and I'll keep an eye out. Or both! Do both.

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