Monday, October 28, 2013

2013 Festive Fifty Longlist Vote!!!!

I sent out this email on Thursday and am just getting around to posting it here. Hopefully it won't cripple your list construction!

Hey Everyone!!!

Well, it's nearing the end of October and so that means it's time to start constructing the Festive Fifty for this year!

And now...the rules

1. Choose up to 50 (yes fifty) songs that were released in 2013 that you like. If you can only think of 10 (or even just one!) .. don’t worry .. We'd still like to know what they are.

2. Our resident 'statman' James has agreed to do the adding up, so please send your list to him at
starting with your favorite track first. (I could have changed this, but i always like thinking of myself as "statman")

3. Do this by Sunday 10th November (Midnight Pacific Time (so, 3 am Monday on the East Coast and 8 am Monday in England) at the latest .. and try to get other people to vote too .. please!! (Share it on Facebook!)

4. I will compile a short list of the top 100 songs which we will vote on to be in the top 50 and then we'll start inviting people to record introductions.

5. Any questions? .... good ... get thinking!!!

Looking forward to your lists,


P.S. Hint, hint .... the songs you put at the top of your list are more likely to get into the shortlist, and there is a good chance that if you put something first in your list (and it gets into the final 50) I will ask you to introduce it.

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