Wednesday, September 25, 2013

One Year, 100 Albums: #80 Mest - Destination Unknown

Mest Destination Unknown, 2001

Here's one post that will assure you that this list was actually compiled by me and that I didn't just look at some "Best Albums of All Time" list and then rearrange the order.

In fact, I may be the only person I know that likes this album. I would go so far as to say that I wouldn't care to be friends with a lot of the other people who like this album.

BUT, I do love this album. It scratches the pop-punk itch that is a constant presence in my life, but it also works in some hip-hop and ska flavors. The songs are varied and fun to sing along to.

When my cousin bought me tickets to go see Blink-182 in 2001 in Colorado, Midtown opened for them and Mest opened for them, in a way. They were playing at a small stage that had been set up between the entrance and the stadium where the other two bands were playing. We stopped to watch them because we had some time before we needed to be at the other stage. They must have played more songs from this album than just the song in this video, but, for reasons you'll understand when you watch the video, I really only remember jumping up and down to this one.

This video is in the Blink-182 vein of music videos where the band is both playing the song AND getting into hilarious and perhaps slightly juvenile hijinks.

I just love that song. And if that puts me in the company of other shirtless, tattooed guys, then so be it.

But, as I mentioned before, this album is quite eclectic. Here are a couple of songs that show what I mean. In this case, my use of the word of eclectic should be considered within the narrow borders of the pop-punk genre. Neither of these are going to be like, 10 minute folk ballads or minimalist atmosphere pieces.

Mest - Drawing Board
Mest - Misunderstood

You can buy Destination Unknown at Amazon, Amazon MP3, and iTunes

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