Monday, June 3, 2013

Monthly Poll: Radiohead - Ok Computer

So I want to focus a little more on these Alternative Album Grammy Winners that I'm playing for bonus songs on the Countdown. So I think, on the first Monday of every month, I'm going to do a little retrospective poll related to the album from the proceeding month.

May's album was Radiohead's Ok Computer.

Please answer the following questions in the comments section. (If you don't have an answer, feel free to skip the question)

1. What is your favorite track on Ok Computer?

  • Airbag
  • Paranoid Android
  • Subterranean Homesick Alien
  • Exit Music (For a Film)
  • Let Down
  • Karma Police
  • Fitter Happier
  • Electioneering
  • Climbing Up the Walls
  • No Surprises
  • Lucky
  • The Tourist

2. What is your favorite Radiohead album?

3. Which do you feel should have won the Grammy, if not Ok Computer:
  • Bjork Homogenic
  • David Bowie Earthling
  • The Chemical Brothers Dig Your Own Hole
  • The Prodigy Fat of the Land

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