Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Justin Timberlake "Mirrors"

Justin Timberlake's second Top 10 song from The 20/20 Experience has a video with a little more of a story. Which is cool. I love a video with a story. I was interested to see how he was going to make the story last for the full 8 minutes of the song, and the solution is simple. This is basically two videos for two songs all under the name of one song. The first video has the story and the second video is a video about JT dancing. Both of which are cool with me. Enjoy!

I saw this comment and I thought it really helps put the video (especially the first half) in context:

"Justin wanted to honor his grandparents' love. They were married for 63 years, and their names adorn the opening credits. The video is a short film revolving around a couple who met back in the day, and as time progresses, so does the good and the bad. In between the smiles and the laughs you see tears and pain. The couple is so intertwined that the symbolism leads us to believe they end up mirroring each other in old age."

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