Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Justin Timberlake w/ Jay-Z "Suit and Tie"

Well I thought it was only fitting that this week's TTT. The first Justin Timberlake album in 6+ years comes out today and that's pretty exciting. I like what I've heard from it and I'm ALMOST to the point where I'm comfortable purchasing it and not saying it's for my wife. ALMOST.

JT is a great performer and I'm very pleased to see the directions he's taken his career and also that he seems to be a very nice, genuine guy. 

I like this song, even if Kanye doesn't. :)

And, just because it's always fun to remember where he came from and who he came with (I think there are 4 kids from these credits besides Justin that are (or have been) super famous):

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