Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Baauer "Harlem Shake"

Ok, so I felt like I had to do this one this week because there's no telling how long this song will be on the top 10. It might be gone next week! Though, I just realized that blog posts that have YouTube links will now be affecting the Hot 100. That's a cool side effect.

It's an Internet sensation in the vein of Gangnam Style, only ANYONE could do one of these videos. So, it might seem like I'm just jumping on a trend, but that's a little bit what this segment is going for, and the changes that this song debuting at #1 represents are HUGE.

So. What IS this Internet sensation? Well, first, read Sasha Frere-Jones's great article here, where he talks about what it is, what the deal with the Hot 100 is, and what some of the problems with the song are. Then, you can read the Billboard cover story about the man who made this song and sort of a history of the song. Very interesting stuff!

Then go here to see 10 fun examples of the meme.

Here's my favorite:

And here's the actual, full song itself:

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