Wednesday, August 1, 2012

August 2012 Media Update

July was a blur. I got this laptop that I'm typing on for my birthday, we did the 4th of July celebrations, my job got super super boring (not necessarily bad, but I'm hoping it picks up this week), and I began preparations for BLOGPOCALYPSE 2012!!!

It's an overblown title, but my wife and daughter are leaving on Saturday to visit some family in St. Louis and I am hatching all sorts of schemes about what I'm going to get done on the blog. Stay tuned!

Last Song/MP3 I listened to: This is surprisingly easy this month. We picked up my car from getting inspection repairs and I listened to Jars of Clay "Boy on a String" from their eponymous debut. It holds a lot of great memories for me. Listening to the tape my uncle first gave me this album on (weirdly phrased sentence), seeing them perform this and other songs with my friend Lisa, and performing in that same friend Lisa's music video for this song that she made senior year of high school. It's a pretty great song from a  pretty great album.

Last TV show I watched: This was the TOUGHEST category this month. I haven't been watching a lot of TV. Or at least that I remember. I watch about 1.5 episodes of Season 14 of the Simpsons when I work out and I worked out on Monday and I watched the end of "Strong Arms of the Ma" and all of "Pray Anything" both of which I feel hearken back to the more realistic episodes from the first couple of seasons. Mostly.

Last Movie I watched: Ok, maybe THIS is the easiest category. Lila's Grandmas have been watching her since last night and will bring her back tomorrow, so K and I had a free evening. We went out to eat and then got a DVD from Redbox. We watched "Friends With Kids" which I really really enjoyed (I don't think I realized how much I like Maya Rudolph until tonight) but which I feel would be lost on people that aren't roughly the age and stage-of-life that I'm in right now.

Last Written Work I read: So last month I was in May 2011 on my New Yorkers. Today at work (I told you, it's been slow!) I finished the January 16, 2012 issue. I know. I'm stoked, too! The Fiction in that issue was a really good story called "A Brief Encounter With the Enemy" and it was written by Saïd Sayrafiezadeh. (Here's a link to him discussing it with the New Yorker's Fiction editor)I really enjoyed it and am enjoying this project more and more as I get closer and closer to caught up!

When I write the next Media Update, K will be back in school and it'll be SEPTEMBER. AHHHHHHHH! :) See you then

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