Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Russian Roulette (Blog Version) - 5th Round

First of all, Happy Birthday Dad! I'm so stoked that one of these landed on your birthday! You have been instrumental in my musical growth over the years! Not to mention my growth as a man and a human being.

So, today's round goes to the first track on the Joplin In Concert album. It was an album I bought after hearing about how amazing she was and this track absolutely hooked me in to loving her and her amazing voice!

It was recorded on March 2, 1968 when she was with Big Brother and the Holding Company.

Every time I hear this, I am sad that I never got to see her perform in concert. They truly don't make singers like her anymore. Or maybe they do and she was just one of the first, biggest, brightest example!

The R-cubed (see previous round) on this is still pretty low, because I feel like there's not a lot of demand for this kind of recording. It's a pretty common thing, is what I'm saying, so don't worry about little ol' me. :)

Janis Joplin - Down on Me (live) from Joplin In Concert (buy)

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