Saturday, January 17, 2009

Two things you can help me figure out

Alright, so two quick things:

1.) I was looking at some stuff on Facebook last night and I ran across this site. And now the purpose of this post is different. I want to tell you all about this cool Ticket site I found, but I can't find it again. Basically, people posted concerts that were happening in their area and this site compiled them. Someone please let me know what that site is so I can talk about it. I'm sure it's not unique, but the design was pretty good.

2.) So this is going to be two things that I want my readers to answer for me. The second is this: If you blog, how do you blog with regularity. It seems to me that there are two options: The first, and this is what I try to do (with limited success), is to always be trying to come up with things to blog about and then sit down and blog about them. But the second, which I've attempted (with NO success whatsoever), would be to think of a bunch of things at once, and then write up all the blogs while the inspiration is there, but then have them post on a delay. Which works best for you? It's hard not to feel like a huge blog slacker when you see people updating with awesomem posts day after day. For examples of such blogs, see the "Better Blogs Than Mine" section on the left side of your screen.

Have a great day, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. My blogging varies, a lot, and now I'm a lot less precious about making myself write regularly - if it's not there then I don't try to force it. I've gone through periods of time when I've listened to things on the way in and written posts as soon as I've arrived at work, a nice way to start the day. Sometimes I have half a dozen things in my head that I want to write about, sometimes I just find I start writing things and get whole lines of prose in my head and itch to sit down and tap it out. Other times there's nothing much there and sometimes I will rely on random or some series or other and other times I will go with the lack of flow and write nothing. I'm very very bad at listening to the things I sometimes get sent and I rarely manage to have anything much to say about them. I'm less bad at writing about the same old stuff over and over again.
