Monday, November 3, 2008

Breakin' the Law?

Ok, so Round 1H was taken down by because one of the songs I posted in that post was flagged for copyright infringment. I'm not sure which one and I received no prior notification before they deleted it. Sigh. So, of Smashing Pumpkins, Rise Against, R.EM., Thrice, Lauryn Hill, and The Beatles, who would be most likely to shoot their shotgun at my flea of a blog? Any ideas?

I'm a little disconcerted right now. I'm woking on some posts about some up-and-coming bands that apprciate the exposure that blogs like this give them. So look out for them soon. I guess I had it coming, but it feels dirty because I really meant no harm. You know?


  1. This has been happening to a lot of people. There's no clear indication that anyone's people are complaining about specific blogs, it seems like Blogger maybe received some sort of general threat or incentive to do this or something. Some people are actually moving their blogs off of Blogger and into friendlier waters, I've heard.

  2. Happened to me, too. I've been looking into wordpress or, perhaps, dropping the whole blog. Did you get the notice about checking I did and I've been checking there for my notice. It's not there yet.

  3. ..and it's happened twice to me and I'm on wordpress, so it's not just a blogger thing. The DMCA is such a cowardly piece of legislation somehow, your stuff is just taken away from you without even a confrontation. As word verification says, 'crumpor' (with the emphasis on the second syllable and an appropriate southern italian hand gesture)
