Friday, August 29, 2008

My First Earthquake and Bob Dylan

So on this past week's Contrast Podcast, we had our ninth Musicians Introduce Their Own Songs episode (you can find them grouped together here) which had a band on it called My First Earthquake, based in San Francisco. First of all, the intro cracked me up. Rebecca, the singer comes on with this robot voice and, well I'm not going to make it sound cool enough. Go listen to it yourself! They just seemed like such a fun-loving group of people, based on a 30 second intro (some intro times claimed in this blog may not be completely accurate or double-checked at all) and so I was very pleased when their song "Teleprompt" was really catchy and had an interesting story. So I went on their website and looked around and they ARE a really, fun, fun-loving group of people. Maybe that's just the San Franciscan air (isn't Greer from SF? She's a fun-loving gal, am I right?)

Anywho, here's a couple of tunes that I've been digging by them! And all of these are available at places like iTunes except the remix, which I believe is only available through their website.

My First Earthquake - Teleprompt from Tremors EP (the song that started the craze)
My First Earthquake - Teleprompt (Poles & Zeros Remix) (for maximum contrast)
My First Earthquake - Cradle the Ladle from Tremors EP (It's about soup. Mmm mmm good!)

Also, Bob Dylan is going to be releasing another CD in the Bootleg Series. It's going to cover the period of time between Oh Mercy! and Modern Times (aka the present). And I'm pretty excited! So his website was giving away this free song which is an released song that he recorded when he was recording Time Out of Mind. I think it's pretty clear why it wasn't included on the album. It's just too damn upbeat!

Bob Dylan - Dreamin' of You

Happy Labor Day everyone! And I'll try to update more often! That seems to be something of an epidemic 'round the blogs I've been reading. I think school's starting for a bunch of people and people are maybe trying to get in some hardcore relaxation in during these last days of summer.

I'm excited about autumn! I can't wait until all the music geeks that I love to read hunker down for the winter and pontificate on all my future favorite songs!


  1. Hi James, I thought they were great too! I am from SF area and I hope I can see them play someday.

    It is a fun place, especially if you like organic vegan Buddhist restaurants and fog. Which I do.

  2. See how I left a comment here?? That's what I mean. Mine won't show the comment links for people to leave comments.

  3. Greer - I like the IDEA of organic vegan Buddhist restaurants, but I've never been to one. And of course, I LOVE fog.

    We should do a "Songs that Remind me of where I live" CP.

    Caleb - go to the "settings" section on your page. then click the "comments" sub-section. I would wager that you have your comments set to "hide". I'm going to email you the same thing, but I thought I'd respond here in case anyone is wondering about this, too.

  4. Sorry I didn't check back sooner- I hope you did suggest that as a CP episode because it would be great! And for once I would know exactly what song to play.

    Hope you're doing well :).
