Monday, April 7, 2008


So, I think I may have been confusing about this bracket thing. You need to vote in the comments section. I'm going to extend this to 11 pm EST on Wednesday (4/9) for you to vote on the matchups in the last post. Let's get voting, people!


  1. Hope you enjoyed the CD as much as it seemed you did. I'm a firm believer in the "high concept = interesting" equation. Of course, I also hold with the equation "interesting ≠ good" in all cases. So I hope I did reasonably well. Eclecticism is really what I go for with my music listening and I hope you enjoyed the little snapshot of the sort of thing I get up to.

    Thanks also for the comment on my first blog entry. It was a real encouragement to get started with it.

  2. Your quilt is acting oddly on my computer. Not sure how it is on yours or others', but here it's extended way outwards and obscuring part of your text.

  3. The quilt is doing that when I view with Firefox, too. If I use the stinking IE, it's ok.

  4. Nat- Don't you have the quilt, too? How did you put it up so that it looks ok with Firefox?
