Thursday, January 10, 2008

Suck on THAT, music industry!

So...I don't know if you've looked at Billboard this week (You probably haven't, because I'm a huge nerd. Mega.) But if you were to go to the Top 200 Albums chart, you might notice a little band called Radiohead dominating the chart. In Rainbows debuted on the chart last week at #156 and this week it's at #1. I really don't think they are regretting their marketing/release strategy at all. What do you think?

Ok, seriously, though. We all know this was one of the best, if not THE best album of 2007, so it's no surprise, but it does send a message to the record companies that this kind of thing works.


  1. so i bought it while it was online with no hard copy, should i now buy this 'real' version that's come out??

  2. Exactly my dilemma! I mean, I'm always struggling on iTunes with what to buy because I like having the hard copy, but this is something that I've already bought. Hmm...

  3. i LOVE IT!!

    Suck it, RIAA!!

    (and I bought the "hard" copy, since I am a nerd about certain bands and having all of their stuff.)
