Friday, December 28, 2007

Coming Soon!

Hi Everyone!

I hope that everyone is having a wonderful week and a joyful holiday season!

I spent Christmas Eve and Christmas at my mother-in-law's house in Alexandria and, when we left, I left two cords that connect my computer to my portable hard drive (aka my music) and my iPod. we're going back for New Year's, but until then, I won't be able to add any new music or post any songs on here!

But we can still have fun without my posting songs, right? Right? Hello?

I've been thinking about what I want this blog to have. I want it to have features. Like over at I Am Fuel, You Are Friends, Heather does her Monday music round-up. And Nat at Mini obs has all sorts of features of the day (including Psychedelic Sunday and the Friday Top 5). And one feature I really like and admire is over at Speed of Dark, where they do a summary of what's going on on the blogs that they enjoy reading. So I'd like to get into some of that kind of stuff. But, of course, I just directed everyone to these blogs that already do that kind of thing, so what else could I do? I'm actually asking you for input!

The other thing I've been thinking about/being pressured to do by Andy from Circles of Concrete is a "Best of 2007" list. I've already vowed to only do a top 9 (mostly because I was feeling weird when I made the vow and I'm weird about keeping weird vows. Hmm, weird.) and it might turn out that I'll end up doing the list before I have access to my music. But if I do that, I'll post songs and then activate the links when I get that cord back. So it really comes down to whether I want to post songs without active links or wait until after New Year's to do that list. And you'll have to wait in desperate suspense to find out what I decide.

The last bit of Coming Soon stuff that I want to talk about is a Christmas related idea. I tend to get lots of CD's for the gift-giving/recieving holidays and what I was thinking was that I could do a post where I talk about the CD's I received this year and how I like them and maybe post some songs from them! So it would be like I'm sharing my Christmas presents with everyone out there in the blogosphere!
Ok. So this has been a pretty boring post in terms of pretty pictures/good tunes, etc. But hopefully I'll get some good feedback and we can have some fun. Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


  1. 1) I wouldn't say I'm pressuring you into doing it. Just that if you don't do it, I will never speak to you again :)

    2) Features are awesome. They keep people coming back to your site.

  2. Hmm...James...what sort of thing interests you most in music? I picked a weekly psychedelic song because I am sentimental about that genre...if you have a special place in your heart for, say, electronica or dance or something, you could create a weekly feature with a catchy title, like "James' Weekly Pants Off Dance Off" or something. It's something personal to YOU that everyone would return for!

  3. Thanks Nat! What great advice!
